Searching for a job is a full-time job. Depending on how long your job search lasts, it can be both frustrating and exhausting. Many people will have to face rejection from time to time during their job search – it is extremely rare that for every job to which a person applies they will receive an offer of employment. Here are my top 5 tips for dealing with rejection during your job search:
- Acknowledge Feelings – staying motivated during your job search can sometimes seem like a Herculean task when faced with rejection. It is important to acknowledge your negative feelings so that you can process them effectively. If you start to feel overwhelmed by these feelings, be sure to speak with someone who can help.
- Perspective – if you find that you are not progressing beyond a certain point in your job search, keep in mind that it’s not personal. The job market is highly competitive. The hiring decisions that organizations are faced with are increasingly difficult as a result.
- Be Objective – try to notice patterns of where you have dropped off in the recruitment process. This will give you insight into what you may need to improve. For example, if you are rejected before you are invited to interview, perhaps your resume needs work. Alternately, you may not be applying to the right roles. Finally, if you are rejected during the interview stage, your frustration with your job search may be shining through in your interviews. It is important to try to stay as positive as possible for your interviews to avoid this pitfall.
- Ask for Feedback – as a best practice, you should send a thank you letter to the interviewers. If you are rejected after an interview, take the opportunity to ask for their constructive feedback. You can also ask for suggestions on how you can improve. You may not always get feedback, but the insight you will gain will help you on your journey. Further, given that not many applicants ask for feedback, you will stand out. As such, this may position you at the top of the candidate list when the organization is in the market to hire again.
- Seek Positive Outlets – make sure you reach out to your support group. People such as friends, mentors, and former colleagues would likely provide you with much-needed encouragement. Volunteering is another great outlet. Contributing to a cause that is important to you will boost your spirits. Finally, exercise is a wonderful way to clear your mind. Countless studies have shown the physical and mental benefits of exercise. This doesn’t mean you have to join a gym. You can go for a walk, cycle, or swim – whatever best suits you.
Final Thoughts
It is important to keep your job search active. When we see our dream job posted with our dream company, it is tempting to focus on that opportunity. In doing so, we may neglect to continue to apply to other suitable roles. If this so-called dream job were to fall through for any reason, and you haven’t kept your job search active, then you may find yourself having to start your job search from the beginning. It is vital that until you have a job offer in hand that you keep your job search active to avoid any delays in the process.
I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any additional insights, or would like to share your experience, I’d love to hear from you.
Until next time, happy hunting!
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